Chris O'Neil


Chris O'Neil
Weekdays 3PM to 7PM | Saturdays 10am-3pm

Hi my name is Chris O’Neil and I’m the Program Director & your afternoon host on 98.1 JJR! I’ve been fascinated with radio ever since I was eight years old. I was born & raised in the suburbs of Barre City. Yes! A TRUE Vermonter through & through!

I was on-air in Rutland over a decade ago before moving to New York for 12 years!

NOW I'm back home in Rultand!

In addition to being into music, I’m also a huge movie fanatic. In fact you’ll see me at the theater at the Majestic 10 or inside the Aviation Mall at least once per week!

I’m very proud of my film collection (3,000 and counting). I enjoy a wide variety of films from all over the world and every time period (1894 to the present)!

My favorite actors include: Daniel Day-Lewis, Toshiro Mifune, Cate Blanchett & Marlene Dietrich & My favorite filmmakers include: Martin Scorsese, Akira Kurosawa, Stanley Kubrick, Ingmar Bergman, John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock, Predro Almodovar, amongst others!

My favorite film character of all time is: GODZILLA!

I also enjoy eating cheese and consuming raw milk at North Meadow Farm in Manchester!

Also spending time with my wife Nicole and Django (consuming cinema), visiting Lake St. Catherine (in the summer) and road trips to visit the rest of our family and friends.


I'm also the co-host for the "Scared For Reels" podcast! If you love horror, cult & B-movies, give us a listen!


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