Cutting down on snacks is one of the keys to weight loss, right? Well, a new study found that snacking might be better for your health than we realized. London-based researcher Sarah Berry says a 2023 study found "no difference in health outcomes" based on the number of snacking sessions in a day. Instead, it was the quality and timing of the snack that made a difference. Nutritious snacks like nuts or fruit were beneficial, while empty calories like cookies or chips - especially after 9pm - led to worse health outcomes. In short, Berry says snacking is fine "as long as you’re grazing on healthy food and not grazing late at night." Source: Plant Based News
Study Says Snacking Can Be Healthy
25 Years of Ju-On: The Grudge!
Heard on JJR
Chris O'Neil delves into the legacy of "The Grudge" horror film franchise.
Heard on JJR
Chris O'Neil will be hosting another FREE movie night at The Strand Theatre in Hudson Falls, Thursday March 27th!